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Who is Sekhmet?


Sekhmet is the Egyptian goddess of the sun, war, destruction, plagues and healing. She is one of the oldest deities and one of the most powerful.  Sekhmet is one of the oldest known forms of Netjer in Egyptian history. She was the patron goddess of physicians, physician-priests and healers in Egypt. She is a member of the Memphite triad together with husband Ptah, the god of creation and wisdom, and son Nefertum, the god of sunrise. She is said to be the daughter of the sun god Ra created when his eye looked upon the earth. She is also sometimes seen as a daughter of Nut, the sky and Geb, the earth. 


Her name may also be spelled as Sakhet, Sekmet, Sachmet, Sakhmet, Sekhet or Sacmis.  Her Name is derived from the Egyptian word 'Sekhem', which means "power" or "might". The word ‘Sekhem' is literally inseperable from Sekhmet - her name translated means "Mighty One", or "Powerful One".


What is Sekhmet Healing?

Sekhmet is form of healing used in ancient Egypt by the Priests in the temples.  Many of the most well-known Reiki Systems had a strong influence from the Sekhmet system. Western Reiki systems, particularly, have a strong connection to Sekhmet, as they use a lower but similar vibration of the life energy utilized in Sekhmet. Additionally, Sekhmet can be used in conjunction with Reiki to wonderful results.



While Sekhmet predates Reiki, it uses a higher and broader range of energy vibrations, as well as a balance between positive energy (Life energy) and negative energy (Death energy).   Sekhmet practitioners are attuned to use this balance of energy in order to assist a person’s body on a wide range of health issues. We’ve had wonderful results with assisting with cancer issues, bone damage/bone issues, arthritis inflammation, nerve damage and regrowth, reducing/eliminating chronic pain, and migraines/headaches.



While Western medicine focuses on the physical body only, Sekhmet focuses on the physical body, the emotional (mind), and the spirit to bring balance and harmony to the whole person.  When one of these aspects is out of balance, a person will start to manifest symptoms in the physical body, by bringing balance to all three aspects, it restores balance and harmony and allows the body to maintain and heal itself.    



Not sure if Sekhmet will benefit you?  Feel free to contact us to discuss your issue and we will be able to assess if we are able to assist you or not and which modality or combination of modalities (Sekhmet/Reiki/Crystal Therapy) would work best for your issues.  

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