About us!
Robyn Ingvallsen
Crystal Therapy
Reiki Master
Sekhmet II
Steve Greenham
Reiki Master
Sekhmet Master
Course Trainer

5759 Sooke Rd.
Sooke, BC V9Z 0C3
Ph: 250 589 7825
About The Oak and The Ivy
We here at The Oak and The Ivy believe that what you create inside yourself, manifests outside yourself. With this in mind, we know that chronic stress is linked to the 6 top leading causes of death today, including heart disease, cancer and suicide. It affects us on all levels of health - physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. It causes conflict in families, it is a leader in absenteeism in the workplace, and can trigger severe mental health issues. In this age of constant pressure, self-care has never been more important. Taking the time to slow ourselves down, to embrace quiet, to cope with the chaos of our daily lives, is critical to happy growth.
We’d like to help you with that! With a combined 30 years of experience, we offer energy treatments to help restore a sense of peace, and to help you activate your own healing on all levels. We can customize a treatment for you based on your needs, using Reiki, Sekhmet, Crystal Therapy and some dowsing techniques to see where you’re at, and help you get where you need to go. We’ve had some wonderful results assisting in cancer symptoms, bone damage/bone issues, arthritis inflammation, nerve damage and regrowth, reduction/elimination of chronic pain, and migraines/headaches. Outside of markets, we also offer readings, spiritual counselling and, soon, site and personal dowsing, and we are always happy to talk about any of it. We also sell items that are complementary to healing, such as crystals, meditation aids, japa malas, chimes, jewelry and more.
About Steve and Robyn
We've been together for almost 10 years, though only started the business a year ago. While Steve has been healing for about 30 years now, through his own studies, Robyn has been healing for about 4, largely with Reiki and Crystal Therapy, though she is now well into her Sekhmet studies, and finds it a wonderful resource, typically incorporating both into sessions.
As a student of Shamanic practices, Robyn occasionally also incorporates chanting, drumming, spirit guides and divination into treatments, where helpful, and this may occur before, during or after the actual treatment.
Steve is extremely experienced in both Reiki and Sekhem. He also teaches psychic protection, meditation and occasionally takes on students.
In our off time, we enjoy our community immensely. We have a houseful of pets - currently 2 dogs and 4 cats, though there seems to be more on the horizon all the time.