What is Crystal Therapy?
Crystal therapy or crystal healing is a form of vibrational medicine. Crystal therapy involves the application of crystals or gemstones to facilitate healing.
The concept behind crystals is based on physics - everything is energy, and everything vibrates. It's how we see things around us, or don't see as the case may be (ie: microwaves). There is a process called 'rhythmic entrainment', which means that things beating to different rhythms will eventually pick up the same rhythm of what they are connected to. The easiest example of this is how people's heartbeats will sync up while holding hands. In this way the crystals can help your body find its rhythm again, for optimal health and relaxation.
Gemstones house spiritual and healing properties that can be tapped into a variety of ways. Crystals can be carried or worn on the person, or placed in a location where their healing vibrations can be felt by whomever is nearby. Healers also place stones on their clients' reclined bodies to balance and cleanse the chakras and aura. Additionally, there's gem elixers, grids for any type of energy and even for divination and meditation.
Each type of stone has various talents, and there can be some overlap, but in the end there's always a perfect stone for each situation. For instance, Amethyst is known to be helpful for insomniacs, but did you know it can also help remove headaches? It can also help relieve grief, assist in overcoming addictions, and calm anger.
Curious? Feel free to message with any questions, or experience crystals for yourself by adding some to your treatment for only a small additional cost. With many crystals on hand, we can find something to work with you!