What is Reiki?
Contrary to popular belief, Reiki is not a healing practice -- that is only a side benefit of connecting and being attuned to a loving, healing energy source. Reiki itself originally was intended to be a philosophical way of life, and to ignore that is to ignore or deny the many benefits of Reiki as a whole. Reiki as a 'healing' modality has gone through many changes over the past 100+ years, mostly in the West, but overall as well. At its' core, however, it is an aid to finding balance and supporting your body's ability to heal itself.
Our bodies aren't simply physical vessels. There is much that happens unseen, within our biofields (or what is commonly called the 'aura') as we go through our days. As we encounter different people, situations and environments, energetic debris collects in our biofields, causing us to become unbalanced. When this happens, we feel an increase in stress and tension, our immune system can weaken, and a general unhappiness can occur without our really having anything specific behind it.
This is simply a byproduct of living in a social society, and has its place -- we learn from our ability to deal with various situations in life -- but we can also take care of ourselves to keep balanced, which will benefit us and everyone we come into contact with.
Not sure if Reiki will benefit you? Feel free to contact us to discuss your issue and we will be able to assess if we are able to assist you or not and which modality or combination of modalities (Sekhem/Reiki/Crystal Therapy) would work best for your issues. All new clients receive a 25% discount on their first session!